Niasca Portofino has been founded by Portofino residents and regulars and has the purpose to: restore local traditions; reuse abandoned land; restore derelict buildings; bring together local businesses; offer high quality services and products at a reasonable price; make Portofino alive and kicking twelve months a year; stretching the peak season; convey the beauty of Portofino and its local products in Italy and abroad.

The initiatives of the Niasca Portofino project
These goals will be reached through four synergistic initiatives: small mixed farming, food produtions, food market, didactic activities.
- To restore the land we planted aromatic herbs, citrus fruits, antique cultivars and a vineyard, and we take care of hundreds of olive trees;
- for the food production we are equipping two small workshops in Portofino;
- for the food market we have a tasting point in Portofino.
As far as the didactic courses are concerned we work closely with local communities in order to target educational institutions, hikers, cruises and whoever is interested in Portofino.
However the original project was to help Portofino be lively also during the winter months, when the weather conditions to not allow open air activities. We therefore decided to renovate an abandoned warehouse in the center of town, known today as the Fondaco. This is where the cooking school and the apartment to rent are located.